Saturday, May 17, 2014

Review: Love, in English by Karina Halle

Title: Love, in English

Author: Karina Halle

Rating: 4 Stars

I finished this at around 1 AM, my tears finally having dried somewhere between those tumultuous ending chapters and the epilogue. Love, In English is a difficult novel to read, if for the very reason that it forces readers to throw out their preconceived notions about infidelity. Nevertheless, despite the fact that this novel threw me far out of my comfort zone, I found myself unable to gain distance from the plot, emotionally at any rate. I became embroiled in Vera and Mateo's love story, almost against my will. While Vera berated herself for being attracted to a married man, I berated myself for mentally encouraging her attraction. You see, this is no simple romantic tale. Vera and Mateo, both in a three-week program in Spain to teach and improve their English respectively, start out as friends. Mateo is an eager and open listener, welcoming news of Vera's short life and, similarly, Vera brings out the best in Mateo, awakening his younger dreams and aspirations which he threw away for his current life - married to a wife he is unhappy with, stuck in a job he doesn't love, and his five-year-old daughter the only bright light in his current existence.

Thus, to see Vera and Mateo become pillars of support to one another, behaving as close friends, it is impossible not to wish for more between them. Especially with that palpable sexual tension simply rolling off the pages. But, as Halle shows us, it isn't that easy. Even after love has been acknowledged, Vera must live with the messy complications of being "the other woman." While Vera is the last person to become a home-wrecker - after all, her own family was torn apart by her father's years-long infidelity - by falling in love with Mateo, she unknowingly becomes one anyway. Although neither Vera nor Mateo set out to do what they did, the fact that it happened - that they cannot find happiness without each other now - is yet another consequence they must deal with. Halle never sugarcoats the difficult decisions or path Vera and Mateo must take, trying to find a way to love despite the ocean in between them and the marriage they wish didn't exist, not to mention the age gap they won't be able to ignore a few years down the line. It's a tough, complicated affair (no pun intended!), full of heart-wrenching emotions. But, I still loved it.

Love, In English made me think for hours after I'd closed its pages, merely because the gray matter this novel wades through is dense. While, granted, there are many "tropes" in this story - aspects that seem similar to other tales - Halle utilizes them in an unconventional method. Despite being a romantic at heart, I did find that the utter despair that befell Vera and Mateo when they contemplated a life apart or a long-distance relationship became a tad bit too over-dramatic. While there is no denying that a long-distance relationship is hard, hard work and such an inconvenience, Vera could come across as being a little too dependent in parts. I thought that the ending for these two characters solved that, though, and was a fitting conclusion to their story. While not a conventional read by any means, I do believe this novel is indicative of Halle's exemplary prose and, most importantly, her grasp of character depths. Needless to say, I will be stalking her backlist in the near future for sure.


  1. I have heard so many really good things about this one since its release, I really think I am going to have to push it up my TBR pile and read it soon. It sounds like it is the perfect summer read.

  2. You have such beautiful reviews! I wish I could write like that. haha At any rate, I read another lovely review of this one and now I'm off to add it to my ever-growing wish list.

  3. Great review! I keep seeing this book pop up everywhere and I've been very curious about it!!! I'm really excited to read it now!

  4. Ack. Threat of tears and angst - I don't know if I'm strong enough. I hear it's going to put me in an uncomfortable position, but there's still a general love for this book.

    Great review, Keertana.

  5. Love, in English sounds like a book I would love. Thanks for putting this on my radar. Being attracted to Vera and Mateo's romance would definitely depend on Halle's writing. I'm bumping this book on to my TBR pile. Fantastic review, Keertana!!

  6. I've heard nothing but great things for this one, so I'm thrilled to know you loved it so much! <3 It's always great when you finish a book and you can't stop thinking about it. Thanks for sharing and, as always, BRILLIANT review! Definitely going to have to give this a try! <3

    ~ Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf

  7. Infidelity is waaay out of my comfort zone too and I can see why this was so emotionally challenging for you. It's so hard not to get attached, but it's also very hard to forget the reality, a marriage in the background. I haven't read a single thing by Halle just yet, and I'm not sure this one is a good choice to start with, but I certainly intend to read this author at some point.

  8. I love a book that stays with you, then you know it really got to you, and while I don't read a lot of adult romance, I like the language aspect and would defo give this a go!

  9. wow it sounds like a really intense read! I saw a lot of beautiful reviews about it and I'm glad you liked it too. It's so interesting when the author manage to share the character's feelings. thanks for the review!

  10. I love Karina Halle's writing but I've been hesitant to pick this up because of the drama. I'm surprised and again excited for this story seeing that you enjoyed it, Keertana! I think you've spelled some things out that will make it easier to be patient. Karina's books do stay with you. Excellent review as usual! :)

  11. Great review. I am a Karina Halle fan, but her last novel, Donners of the Dead was a complete disappointment for me. I wasn't sure if I would like this one, but I am sure I will give it a try soon. Her stories/writing keep me up late as well. ;) I stayed up until 3AM to finish Sins & Needles!

  12. I'll probably skip this one, since I really can't read books with married love interests. They just don't bode well with me somehow. Anyway, I'm glad you really liked this and that it got you thinking for hours after reading. Those are the kinds of books that we all want to read!

  13. This sounds pretty interesting. Not the sort of book I'd pick up normally, but I'm willing to consider it after reading this review. It sounds like Halle really does have a wonderful grasp on characterization, and that's the aspect I look for most in the contemporaries I read.
    Lovely review, Keertana!


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