Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Monthly Rewind: October

Sadly, I am in the midst of midterm season. Again. Hence the reason I have been MIA but, I have to say, October was a rocking month! ;)

3 Things About My Life This Month

My best friend at Wellesley and I at Garba!

1. I visited my best friend since 5th Grade in NYC! It was so much fun! Admittedly, it was a whirlwind trip since I stayed over with her for two nights and then ducked home for two nights but it was so nice to catch up with her and get a glimpse into her life now. She lives in a wonderful apartment with five other roommates and they cook incredible food and are so independent, which is really different from my campus-centric life at Wellesley. Anyhow, it was a really fantastic weekend and it's so nice to now be able to put faces to the people she tells me about. (Just a clarification, she's not the friend in the picture. We totally forgot to take pics, believe it or not, but I did go to Garba this month with my friend from Wellesley and it's one of the only pictures I took this month, oops! Will take more in November!)

2. Um, party central? October was a month of crazy good parties. I don't mean a typical college party with frat boys and beer. No, I mean hanging out with a bunch of good friends and belting out to Taylor Swift while stuffing our faces with chips and guac. I mean dressing up for Halloween and playing Cards Against Humanity while discussing how to smash the patriarchy. ;)

3. I declared a  major! I am officially a math major, folks! Everyone needs a major adviser and I love my current math professor, so I set out to ask him on Monday and it kept getting postponed to Friday and by then I had stressed myself out so much. I was a nervous wreck but it was totally fine and he's my major adviser and...ahhh! *throws confetti*

Best Book I Read This Month

It's a tie between Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo and Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. I read both of these on the bus rides to and from NYC over Fall Break and, let me tell you, I was an emotional wreck in public and didn't even care. Because these books. Read. Them. Now. 

Most Popular Post This Month

Mini-Reviews: The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick, Conspiracy of Blood and Smoke by Anne Blankman, and After the End by Amy Plum. I don't often post mini-reviews, so I was really excited by the popularity of this post. Not to mention they're actually all fantastic, thought-provoking novels. Recommended!

Post I Wish Got a Little More Love

Just Another...Book Crush! Jennifer Donnelly is one of my favorite authors ever and These Shallow Graves is so, so lovely. I hope more people check out her work!

3 Things I'm Looking Forward to in November 

1. Thanksgiving! I'm going home with my best friend for Thanksgiving, which is going to be so much fun! She has a huge family and I've never actually celebrated Thanksgiving before, since my family really doesn't do much, so I'm really excited for my first taste of a real Thanksgiving! 

2. Dober Concert! Technically, this already happened but I was really looking forward to it and (spoiler alert!) it was great! Every Fall Semester the Wellesley College Choir joins up with another Choral Society to perform together during the first or second weekend of November. This year we performed with the Radcliffe Choral Society, on Friday and Saturday night both. It was exhausting but also incredibly rewarding.
3. Diwali! Diwali is this Wednesday and I am so excited! It's one of my favorite holidays and I have some gorgeous new clothes I'm going to be wearing, which is what I'm mostly looking forward to. ;) But, Diwali is always such a beautiful night, filled with lights and sparklers. I always miss my family most during Diwali but I know I'm going to have a great time.

How were your Octobers? Did you dress up for Halloween? If so, what did you go as? Anyone do any travelling like I did? What are you looking forward to in November? What are your Thanksgiving plans? Let me know in the comments below--I can't wait to hear! :D


  1. HI, I found your blog through Goodreads, we share lots in common of books, and I am a newbie blogger myself, just got my first book to review!! my birthday is Saturday and I have to work-which is ok, Thanksgiving will hopefully be spent with my boyfriends family, who are so much fun to be around!!
    I am a new subscriber!!

  2. It's so nice to see your best friend and in NYC Is even more awesome, it looks like you had a wonderful time. I know a lot of people loved Sox of Crows and Carry On. I'm waiting for the hype to go down before I read them. Plus I wasn't really in the right frame of mind for them. Great wrap up post! :)

  3. That's great you saw your friend in NYC, and yay for another friend bringing you home for Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoy it! I don't really like the holiday (not a fan of the food, for one thing) but we'll be visiting with a family friend and stuff, so it should be alright. I hope to read Carry On soon. I bought it immediately but that doesn't mean I've had time to read it. haha


  4. Subh divali, keertana. ALL THE BEST with being a math major. * throws confetti with you*

    i'm mostly looking forward to mockingpart 2 and jessica jones in november. I hope you have a great rest of the week.

    - rogier ( roro)

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful October, Keertana! I do love catching up with friends, enjoying good food, music and conversation, so your events sound lovely. Congrats on picking a major, and yay for mini reviews! I enjoy reading them and writing them. Less pressure! :)

  6. Thats awesome to see your friend after so many years and reconnect with them, sometimes you just click right back into place like it hasn't been years!
    It looks like you had a long, but fun month.

  7. Those sound like my kind of parties Keertana! Yes to stuffing my face with chips and being ridiculous with friends without having to weave my way through intoxicated, grabby hands:) And you're a math major? GOOD FOR YOU! Math is the bane of my existence, I'm miserable at it. I'm always jealous of people it comes easier to:)

  8. Ahhh it looks like you had such a fun October! And those non-frat parties are the best :) Congrats on declaring your major as math!! (I feel like we're the only book bloggers who love math..) I finished Carry On recently and loooved it!

    Have a wonderful month of November, Keertana!

  9. A math major?! Holy...! I have a PhD in linguistics but the simplest math eludes me. That part of my brain is most likely dead. I admire you so much.
    I'm glad to see that you had so much fun and that you managed to read some good books too. Heaps of love!

  10. Those are my kind of parties! Btw, I so need to read the Bardugo book!

    Math major? Oh noes! Another one... ;) I have a cousin who was a math major and now teaches it. He just loves math. So glad you found your niche.

  11. Such an awesome month!
    A great trip, getting your advisor. yay

  12. I'm so in awe of your life, Keertana. You're constantly surrounded by brilliant people! Anyway, October rocks for you, so let's hope November will be the same. ;)

  13. A math major and a super literate person?! Woah! I am really, really impressed with you! You got it, girl!

  14. Sorry I’m reading this so late. I’ve been soooo busy lately.

    How could you not to take pictures? Boo to you. :)

    I’m happy to hear you declared a major. College education is different here in Russia, we actually have to choose a major before classes start. I’ve heard so much praises to Six of Crows, I need to finally pick it up.

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