Friday, October 19, 2012

Review: In the Woods by Tana French

Title: In the Woods (Dublin Murder Squad, #1) 

Author: Tana French 

Rating: 3.75 (?) Stars 

In the Woods is one of those books that you finish feeling bereft – bereft of answers, bereft of joy, bereft of happiness. Suddenly, grief and sorrow and despair are your companions as this is a novel that leaves you feeling so, so sad and heartbroken. It’s a story that will shock you to your very core, rattle your nerves, and make you re-think everything you ever thought was true. It is, in every sense of the term, a psychological thriller like no other.

When Katy Devlin, a twelve-year-old ballet dancer, is murdered and found on an archaeological excavation site, Detectives Rob Ryan and Cassie Maddox suddenly find themselves taking on the case. Not only is Katy’s case extremely mysterious, with red herrings and suspects popping out from every nook and cranny, but her death happened in Knocknaree. Years ago, three children disappeared into the woods of Knocknaree and only one came back alive. Adam, the lone survivor, was unable to remember anything of the events he was witness to and the bodies of the other two children were never found. Adam, however, has grown up now and changed his name to Rob Ryan, who is now back in Knocknaree after avoiding the area for years. Thus, Rob cannot help but wonder if there is a connection between the two cases. What he and Cassie do uncover though is a trail of secrets, mysteries, and horror so sick it will thoroughly mess with your mind.

In the Woods is one of those novels that all of my GoodReads friend’s seem to love and very few other people in the world seem to know about. Thus, while I knew it would be a mind-blowing mystery and psychological thriller going into it, I don’t think I quite expected what I got. You see, In the Woods starts out much the same way as any other mystery novel. We have our detectives, Cassie and Ryan, who conduct their investigations, rule out their suspects, add more suspects, conduct more investigations, etc. In fact, the true psychological mind-warp of this story doesn’t even emerge until the last 30% or so of this tale. Yet, what makes it such a brilliant story isn’t merely those last few chapters which suck all the breath out of your lungs – it’s the steady build-up throughout the entire tale.

I suppose I should make myself clearer, so I will explain. In the Woods felt, at many times, very redundant to me. It was as if Cassie and Ryan were interrogating the same person or asking the same questions and the investigation seemed to go around in circles at times. This, as I soon came to learn, was purposeful and served to broaden the bigger picture by the end of the story. So, I guess what I’m really saying here is that you should stick with this one because it is so rewarding in the end. You won’t feel like putting this one down while you read it, simply because it’s a mystery and like all mysteries, you can’t leave it unfinished, but that doesn’t mean that while it’s down you’ll feel like picking it back up again, because sometimes you won’t. In fact, at times the writing can even become too cluttered with prose and details, but much like how Stormdancer is worth the wait and slow build-up, In the Woods is too.

What makes In the Woods such a phenomenal – and original – thriller is not only the psychological aspects of it, but the characters themselves. Rob Ryan and Cassie Maddox make themselves slowly a part of your heart with their endearing habits, sarcasm, and quick wit. I feel as if I know them so well now; as if they’re real and sitting in front of me this very moment. I feel as if I can see into their very souls – that’s how well-rounded and deeply they are written into this story. If it were not for my intense feelings towards these two – feelings that the author developed and made me feel before it even registered I was feeling them – this novel would not have been as strong as it was.

Rob really is our main character in this tale as it is his narration which guides this story, so while we get a deeper look into his mind and the psychological effects of the trauma he suffered through as a child, Cassie is also an equally important character. You see, the friendship between Rob and Cassie was hands-down my favorite aspect of this story. It was beautiful, filled with understanding, and is the type of friendship you can only dream about. I do have to warn you though that the hint of romance in this novel is simply heart-breaking. I could hear my heart shatter…that’s how real it felt.

In all honesty, there isn’t much more I can say about this book. It’s a mystery and as such, not much can be described without revealing the big plot twists. Ultimately though, In the Woods is a truly phenomenally-written novel by an author who not only knows how to write a chilling mystery, but also knows how to get into your mind and twist your very emotions along with those of her characters. In the Woods doesn’t provide too much closure at the end either, but all this just contributes to its eerie mood. I did feel extremely depressed the moment I closed this book, but I am impressed with French’s ability to make me feel so strongly for something I first thought was a mere murder mystery. Will I be picking up the sequel? Absolutely, although not without a few happier reads in-between. In the Woods is a must-read novel for any mystery/psychological thriller fans. If, however, you don’t appreciate having your mind bended and warped in every direction possible, you may just want to pass up on this one because no matter how good you are at predicting mysteries, you will not see this plot twist coming. ;)


  1. I am very curious about this. I'm not a huge thriller or mystery fan but I don't know- it seems like lately any mystery I have read in a book was just really compelling. And I kind of like having my head messed with. Plus I'm dying to know who's taking these kids!

  2. I just recently found this book on sale at my local library for $1.00... never heard of it before the cover just caught my attention. I have to say after reading your in depth review it will be the next book I read! I like anything that can keep me guessing and warp my mind (considering it is pretty warped already lol)


  3. I will definitely have to read this book when I am looking for a book that will mess with my mind. I have seen this one in the bookstore so many times and have been tempted to pick it up because I really love the cover. But there was something about the blurb that didn't do it for me. But based on your review, I think I want to take the leap and try it. Though I do have to be in a certain kind of mood to read a book like this. Great review, Keertana!

  4. Oh I really like the sound of this book Keertana, I'm not typically a fan of psychological thrillers but books which mess with your head and that remain for days on your mind afterwards are usually the best books. I fell into the category of people who hadn't heard of this book before you're fab review, but I'm going to change all that as I've just requested a copy from my library! :)

  5. HELLO, gorgeous cover. I hadn't heard of this one, but it definitely sounds like my kind of thing. I enjoy books that leave you feeling mystified, but I'm even more excited about those plot twists you mentioned. :)
    Great review, Keertana!
    - Lauren

  6. I've seen this cover around quite a bit but never really knew for sure what this book was about. I love the sound of it! Witty characters and a thrilling plot - sign me up. Brilliant review as always, Keertana. :)

  7. It's been ages since I've read any crime fic but last year I read a lot so I definitely would like to read this - great review, Keertana!

  8. OOO! In the Woods' cover looks pretty and the story sounds really intense but awesome too! I haven't read many thriller books before but I sure would love to read this one ;)

    Awesome review, Keertana ♥ Glad you enjoyed it!

  9. I WANT a book that will shock me and rattle my nerves. It might be the only thing that can possibly get me out of my reading slump. I remember back when Catie was reading this, I was so surprised by her high ratings and I decided to read it as soon as I can, but something always gets in my way.

    Oh, and I am thrilled to see that you're reading Chasing Magic. It's my favorite of the series and I'll tell you the same thing I told Catie when she was reading it: keep those smelling salts near - Terrible WILL make you swoon in this one.

  10. Terrific review, Keertana! Yeah, and this is one of those times where I curse Goodreads for not providing half stars... I couldn't absolutely decide what my rating will be, either. :) *sigh* I'm going to miss having Cassie and Ryan together. It's why I'm taking so long finding an opportunity to read The Likeness.

    And I'm reading The Diviners btw, and it's phenomenal!!

  11. Wow, I'm so intrigued after reading this but I don't want to be depressed. I don't know what to do about this one, Keertana. I love mysteries but I don't want my heart broken by the romance either. Wonderful review. :)

  12. If you want your head messed with, this is the PERFECT book! I hope you enjoy it, Candace! :)

  13. Wow, talk about a bargain Helena! I adored this one and I hope you enjoy it! I'd love to see what you think! :D

  14. Thanks Kara! I'm glad I've rekindled your interest in this one - I really enjoyed it and I have a feeling you'll appreciate it a loot. I can't wait to see what you think!

  15. Yayy! I hope you enjoy it, Jasprit! I'm so curious to see what you think, especially as I haven't seen you review a thriller before! :)

  16. Thanks Lauren! YES, this is DEFINITELY your kind of book! I think you'll definitely enjoy this one, so I'm excited to see what you think of it when you finally do get around to reading it! :D

  17. Thanks Sam! Yess, this one was so intriguing! I'm glad you're curious about it now and I'd love to see what you make of it, dear!(:

  18. Thanks Mandee! I've never seen you review a crime fic, so that would be awesome! :D

  19. Thanks Celine! I love the cover too, but the story definitely is intense! I hope you enjoy it if you pick this one up!

  20. Maja, I think you'll REALLY like this one, so I hope you can read it soon! Aaaannnnddd...Chasing Magic was AWESOME! Terrible made me swoooon and it was my favorite of the series too! ;)

  21. Thanks Leanne! I'm going to miss Cassie and Ryan together too! :( I don't want to pick up The Likeness for the same reason too! :/

    YAY FOR THE DIVINERS! I can't WAIT to see what you think! :D

  22. Thanks Heidi! I think you'll enjoy this one, so I'm curious to see what you make of it! :D

  23. Thanks Rachel! I know what you mean - I'm so heartbroken by the romance and it was such a heavy read, which is why it left me depressed, but I loved it for the plot twists and the mystery. I don't know if you'll enjoy this one since the romance is minimal and PAINFUL, but I hope you give it a try someday! :)

  24. Bravo, Keertana! I've been completely ignoring this one despite all of the 4 and 5 star reviews from friends on Goodreads, largely because the cover just seemed so...well I feel like if I can make a cover look like that using Microsoft word, they really haven't put any effort in, and so I find it hard to believe the book has effort put into it as well.

    You've completely convinced me that I'm wrong though! This sounds fascinating, and like something I would love. I love when the payoff comes toward the end (as long as it's not too painful to get to), I love good characters in plot driven novels, and I love twisty and unpredictable mind bending. I've always really enjoyed watching thrillers as movies, but for some reason have never read many. Clearly this is one I need to try!

  25. I've had this one on my TBR list for years too--and I even received an e-book copy of it for Christmas last year with confidence I'd read it in 2012. I suppose there's still time! I may start this series next, as I've just finished the last Alafair Burke and can now devote myself to a new mystery author's backlist.

    Marlene Detierro (Pay Dirt)

  26. Thoroughly depressing, yes. This book stomped my heart into itty bitty pieces- God, I've never EVER read something in which someone got so thoroughly destroyed.
    However, it was just the perfect thing to read after a string of blandly irritating YA books. Bet you couldn't find many books like this on the Young Adult Fiction shelf of your local library.


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