Tuesday, September 30, 2014
ARC Anthology Review: My True Love Gave to Me by Stephanie Perkins
Title: My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories
Author(s): Stephanie Perkins, Holly Black, Gayle Forman, Jenny Han, David Levithan, Kelly Link, Myra McEntire, Matt de la Pena, Rainbow Rowell, Laini Taylor, Kiersten White
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Release Date: October 14th, 2014
5 Star Reads --> "Midnight" by Rainbow Rowell and "It's a Yuletide Miracle, Charlie Brown" by Stephanie Perkins were solid 5 Star reads from me. "Midnight" charts a best friend romance on the night of New Year's Eve over the span of a few years and Rowell's prose, perfectly highlighting the depth of subtleties in this relationship, is utterly perfect in this instance. I almost wish this were longer. Almost. "It's a Yuletide Miracle, Charlie Brown" is, conversely, a love story which takes place over the course of just a few hours. Yet, Perkins possesses a talent for crafting true love romances; capturing the essence of love within a span of just minutes. I completely fell for the couple outlined in this tale and their chemistry was simply off-the-charts.
4 Star Reads --> Laini Taylor's "The Girl Who Woke the Dreamer" was lovely, obviously, and Gayle Forman's "What the Hell Have you Done, Sophie Roth?" was a far cry from the typical Forman read but no less thought-provoking. I found "The Girl Who Woke the Dreamer" to contain a dreamy atmosphere, which I enjoyed but didn't completely fall for. Still, Taylor's imagination knows no bounds and the creativity with which she created a fantasy winter tale was truly stunning. "What the Hell Have you Done, Sophie Roth?" is a novel that focuses on the stark differences between a couple rather than their similarities as most love stories tend to do. Sophie Roth is Jewish, living on a small campus in the Mid-West where her religion isn't as common, and she winds up spending the day with an African American boy who isn't a scholarship student, even though she is. I really enjoyed how their initial misconceptions of one another grew to shift as the story progressed but I didn't feel their chemistry as acutely as I would have liked, perhaps, and the tale itself was very focused on their religious/economic/ethnic differences more than any personality traits. Still, definitely one of the better editions to this anthology.
3 Star Reads--> David Levithan's story was interesting and memorable, primarily because it features an LGBTQ couple and additionally because it seemed to contain many undertones--most of which I feel went over my head, hence the lower rating. I felt thrown into this tale and desperately needed a larger backstory to thoroughly comprehend the layers to Levithan's characterization. Carter's story, too, proves to be intriguing as it features a protagonist who switches plane tickets with another young girl and winds up in the middle-of-nowhere, pretending to be a native from Iceland. It isn't as much romantic as it is sweet but the tale takes on a turn for the strange when we discover the true reasons for our protagonist's decision to abandon her original flight. Ultimately, these two stories felt as if they needed more development, sadly, and didn't work as well--for me--as short stories.
I did briefly read a few more tales in this anthology but I didn't find them to be as memorable as I'd have liked. You must read Rowell, Perkins, Taylor, and Forman's pieces from this. As for the rest, I'd be comfortable skipping them--you aren't missing much at all.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Showcase Sunday (#35)
Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicki at Books, Biscuits and Tea. Its aim is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week.
For Review:
For Review:
It's been awhile since my last Showcase Sunday and I definitely received quite a few more books than just these but I can't possibly remember them all so here are the most recent. I already devoured Blue Lily, Lily Blue and loved it, and am so looking forward to Havoc, I'll Give You the Sun and Princess of Thorns. I've also heard excellent reviews regarding The Goblin Emperor so I'm hoping to find time for that sometime in October, though with all the releases I'm holding my breath for I doubt that will happen. But, a girl can dream, right? ;) What have you received this past week?
Saturday, September 27, 2014
A Life Update...(Because I've Been MIA For Waaay Too Long!)
I miss blogging.
I was walking back from the Science Center this evening, having been let out of my three and a half hour lab five minutes early, and instead of planning a complex schedule which would involve me eating dinner while reading Acts I and II of Much Ado About Nothing before sprinting to choir practice, I found myself missing the act of blogging. Of physically putting into words the emotions I felt while reading. Of not writing an essay on the form and meter of sonnets, of not writing responses to French literature from the Middle Ages, of not writing down homework but instead simply writing to impart a part of my soul.
Ever since beginning college a month ago, I've been meaning to put into words the experience of uprooting myself and beginning anew. It's thrilling. It's exciting. But it's also a lot more fearful than many let on. It's weird, really, how much I miss the little things. Opening the door for my younger brother when he got off the school bus. Seeing what outfits my mother would put together for work every morning. Loitering in the hallways with my best friend before class began. Running my hands across the spines of novels on my bookshelf just to feel their edges on my fingertips. Curling up with a lone book all weekend, just a blanket and a mug of coffee my constant companions.
I miss blogging. I haven't truly written a review I've felt proud about since arriving on campus. I just haven't had the time. If I haven't been studying or throwing myself into organization after organization, I've been socializing in the mad rush to find my best friend for life (because, apparently, college is where to find these people!). But, from now on, instead of leaving a post online for a week I do promise to regularly go back to posting new content. For myself, more than anything else. I need the break that blogging provides, perhaps just as much as I need the pleasure that reading gives me. I haven't found it difficult to read at least a novel a week since coming here but sitting down to discuss that novel? Now that I haven't been able to do as successfully.
Ultimately, this is a simple life update and a pledge to blog, to post, to read, to comment, to re-instate myself within the blogging community I've felt distant from this past month. Even if it's just to comment on blog posts and update my twitter account, I want to be apart of this. I've loved it, now, for two years, and I don't plan on giving it up. I apologize, truly, for being so absent this past month but I hope--and will sincerely be trying--to be present. And if you sense me slipping off the tracks, resorting to my state of reclusive reading and writing merely essays regarding French literature, do not hesitate to shoot me an e-mail and re-direct me to this post.
For those of you who began college recently, I hope you're adjusting as well as I am and are even half as in love with your campus and community as I currently find myself. If you aren't there yet--don't worry. It takes time. God knows I'm still adjusting and likely will be for the next two years (at the very least). For all my readers, friends, and the kind souls who've sent me encouraging messages this past asking me to keep up with blogging--thank you! Seriously, thank you for following me, for sticking with me, and for waiting for me to figure out--partially--this whole college-life-adjustment...thing. ;) You rock. And I'll be posting more often. Promise.
And to compensate for my absence, here are pictures!
I was walking back from the Science Center this evening, having been let out of my three and a half hour lab five minutes early, and instead of planning a complex schedule which would involve me eating dinner while reading Acts I and II of Much Ado About Nothing before sprinting to choir practice, I found myself missing the act of blogging. Of physically putting into words the emotions I felt while reading. Of not writing an essay on the form and meter of sonnets, of not writing responses to French literature from the Middle Ages, of not writing down homework but instead simply writing to impart a part of my soul.
Ever since beginning college a month ago, I've been meaning to put into words the experience of uprooting myself and beginning anew. It's thrilling. It's exciting. But it's also a lot more fearful than many let on. It's weird, really, how much I miss the little things. Opening the door for my younger brother when he got off the school bus. Seeing what outfits my mother would put together for work every morning. Loitering in the hallways with my best friend before class began. Running my hands across the spines of novels on my bookshelf just to feel their edges on my fingertips. Curling up with a lone book all weekend, just a blanket and a mug of coffee my constant companions.
I miss blogging. I haven't truly written a review I've felt proud about since arriving on campus. I just haven't had the time. If I haven't been studying or throwing myself into organization after organization, I've been socializing in the mad rush to find my best friend for life (because, apparently, college is where to find these people!). But, from now on, instead of leaving a post online for a week I do promise to regularly go back to posting new content. For myself, more than anything else. I need the break that blogging provides, perhaps just as much as I need the pleasure that reading gives me. I haven't found it difficult to read at least a novel a week since coming here but sitting down to discuss that novel? Now that I haven't been able to do as successfully.
Ultimately, this is a simple life update and a pledge to blog, to post, to read, to comment, to re-instate myself within the blogging community I've felt distant from this past month. Even if it's just to comment on blog posts and update my twitter account, I want to be apart of this. I've loved it, now, for two years, and I don't plan on giving it up. I apologize, truly, for being so absent this past month but I hope--and will sincerely be trying--to be present. And if you sense me slipping off the tracks, resorting to my state of reclusive reading and writing merely essays regarding French literature, do not hesitate to shoot me an e-mail and re-direct me to this post.
For those of you who began college recently, I hope you're adjusting as well as I am and are even half as in love with your campus and community as I currently find myself. If you aren't there yet--don't worry. It takes time. God knows I'm still adjusting and likely will be for the next two years (at the very least). For all my readers, friends, and the kind souls who've sent me encouraging messages this past asking me to keep up with blogging--thank you! Seriously, thank you for following me, for sticking with me, and for waiting for me to figure out--partially--this whole college-life-adjustment...thing. ;) You rock. And I'll be posting more often. Promise.
And to compensate for my absence, here are pictures!
Clearly, I've got my priorities straight and visited Wellesley Books, the local indie bookstore just a five minute walk from my dorm, during Orientation Week. This is their YA section...heaven! :)
On the left you'll see sunflowers I was gifted by my Big Sister on Flower Sunday. Flower Sunday is a tradition where first-years are welcomed into the school and given a Big Sister since I'm attending an all-women's college and it was such an incredible ceremony. I don't have any more pictures since I was singing with the choir but I wish I did...it really was so special. On the right is my campus during sunset. It's gorgeous and the Galen Tower you see chimes every morning with music from the bells. It's kind of like that scene from Disney's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" when Quasimodo is playing the bells and the entire city can hear the music. It's gorgeous.
Again on the left you can see my campus, like side from the other side of Lake Waban. It's a three-mile walk around the lake--which is beautiful to kayak in, by the way--and the view of the campus from a distance is breath-taking. On the right is the sole picture I took of my first night out in Boston where I attended an improv-comedy show. It was also the night the Northern Lights were visible to the naked eye here in the Northeast (not New Jersey, my hometown, but definitely up here in Wellesley) so that was quite a sight to see as well.
Last, but not least, on the left is Platform 9 3/4. (Yup, I attend Hogwarts. BE JEALOUS.) ;P And on the right is a gorgeous pond I pass nearly every day.
I totally should have taken more pictures while on the lake and kayaking and during Orientation week but...for now I hope this will do. I hope you're all having a wonderful day and I will be posting again very, very soon. :D
Thursday, September 25, 2014
ARC Review: Exquisite Captive by Heather Demetrios
Author: Heather Demetrios
Rating: 4 Stars
Release Date: October 7th, 2014
Where Heather Demetrios's Something Real battered its fists on my radar for weeks--the media onslaught of this novel breaking through the tiniest of crevices--Exquisite Captive practically slipped under my notice entirely. Something Real failed to entice me with its reality television plot line--likely because my idea of television is the Food Network--but Exquisite Captive captured my imagination from its cover and title alone. The Arabian Nights and other Middle Eastern legends have gone unexplored for too long, so for Demetrios to break down that barrier and weave a fantastical tale of her own, drawing from ancient lore and myth, was to break down the barrier into my heart as well. While Exquisite Captive is certainly not without its flaws, its original storyline, complex characterization, and truly exquisite world-building allow this novel to transcend its limitations.
Exquisite Captive is told primarily from the third-person perspective of Nalia, a young jinni princess who has been captured and sold into slavery. Malek, her ruthless master, uses Nalia to further his large clientele, all the while holding her freedom out of reach as he refuses to make his third--and final--wish. In her homeland, Arjinna, Nalia is the last of her kind--a jinni race who can control all four elements--and thus the rightful heir to the throne. After witnessing the dark fire jinn slaughter her family and take over the crown, Nalia barely escaped with her life only to be shackled to the dark caravan where thousands of jinn are sold to human masters, serving their lords on Earth. Nalia would do anything to regain her freedom and return to Arjinna--not to reclaim her throne but to find her younger brother who she loves dearly. Anything, including seducing her master, Malek, and striking a bargain with Raif, the leader of the Arjinnian revolution. Raif represents the castes of other jinn in Arjinna--jinn whose magic only extends over one element. For years, Nalia's kind has ruled, withholding valuable training from the other jinn in Arjinna and looking down upon all those not royalty. Thus, the last thing Raif wants is to see the throne reclaimed but he needs Nalia's help--and can secure Nalia's freedom if she wrests her bottle away from her master. With the rumors of a live Arjinnian princess, an assassin is painstakingly hunting for Nalia across the Earth and the clock is ticking. Now, the only question left is who will kill Nalia first: the assassin, or Malek when he discovers her betrayal?
Demetrios has created such a rich, tangible world in Exquisite Captive. What I appreciated about her prose is the fact that she never resorts to info-dumping. Instead, with short, selective flashbacks and believable dialogue she creates Arjinna, a fictional realm which feels all too real. Yet, more than the complex backstory of a coup, social injustice, and violence Demetrios also discusses the dark caravan. Nalia, as a victim of the dark caravan, yearns for her freedom with an aching pain that is all to sharp. It is impossible not to pity her, empower her, and watch as she struggles to break from the chains of slavery that hold her back from her true destiny. With such a compelling background itself, it becomes impossible not to dive into this novel with our hearts in our throats, waiting to see if Nalia can overcome the odds stacked against her.
As a heroine, Nalia is impeccably written. On one hand, she's fiercely loyal to her younger brother--her only remaining family--and though we only know of him through brief flashbacks, the love she feels for him bleeds through the page. It is his face that keeps her enduring the tough situations she finds herself in and her courage, bravery, and strength are all admirable. Of course she is immensely powerful and her magic is a tool, but it is her inner-strength that this story allows us to see and it is that which makes her such an endearing protagonist. We know she isn't perfect--we've seen her perform unspeakable acts--but the double-edged sword of morality with which she does them cast her character in a different light. With all the blacks and whites swirling together to create so many shades of gray, it's impossible to wholly love or despise any one character in this tale, which I love.
Malek is, hands down, one of the most intriguing characters I've come across in fiction. In many ways, he reminds me of Javier Bernal from Karina Halle's The Artist Trilogy. As a master, Malek has tortured Nalia and been cruel to her, but he has also never forced himself upon her and she lives a lavish Hollywood lifestyle with him by her side. Moreover, Malek is slowly changing in his attentions towards Nalia; from master to lover. As he displays a tender, sweeter side to Nalia, she is all the more confused by her master's behavior. No matter what Malek may believe, Nalia is still forced to be subservient to him; obeying his orders, working with his clients, and chained to his side. Yet, as Nalia discovers more and more about who Malek is, what his motivations are, and everything that drives him, both she and the reader cannot help but become more sympathetic towards this "villain." With his drop-dead good looks, charisma, and not-quite-a-villain personality, Malek is a force to be reckoned with both on the page and in our hearts. I could not bring myself to hate him, though I could not love him either. Nevertheless, his presence throughout the novel is unpredictable and keeps us on our toes, which I love. Out of all the characters I am most eager to re-visit in the sequels, Malek makes the top of that list--easily.
When Raif first burst onto the page, I stiffened up in alarm. After all, the presence of two handsome men usually screams "love triangle" in blaring neon lights. Yet, it quickly became apparent that the focus of Exquisite Captive was not on the romance, but rather the countless political issues plaguing these characters. Raif dislikes Nalia on sight as her claim to the throne represents everything he's been fighting, but he needs her help--desperately--and a bargain is struck between the two. Neither Nalia nor Raif trust one another but, as they grow to understand each other better, they cannot help but dissolve their first impressions. For me, Raif felt similar to a typical male protagonist in the sense that he's caring, his motives are largely selfless, and he forces the protagonist to witness her life through a new lens. Yet, it is the swirling darkness in Raif that sets him apart as, at a young age, he is carrying the hopes and dreams of an entire nation on his shoulders. It is practically impossible to dislike Raif, what with him being such a likable hero and all, but his presence in the story thankfully transcends that of a mere romantic interest.
Granted, there is a love triangle of sorts at play here but, because of the manner of Nalia's relationships with these two men, we know exactly which love story is doomed from the start. It's still a treat to watch everything play out, but it becomes clear just who Nalia wants by the end of this novel. If it's going to work out in the future is still largely unclear, but who Nalia's heart belongs to isn't murky in the least. Nevertheless, I do feel as if the main romance arc played out a liiiitle too quickly for my liking; at least in the sense that it jumped from "like" to "love" really fast. Another quibble came from the perspectives of the assassin sent after Nalia--after a point, each chapter featuring the assassin's hunt for Nalia across Earth began to read a bit too similar. Moreover, the jarring presence of these chapters interrupted the flow of the story, at times, which was a bit disappointing.
With those exceptions, however, Exquisite Captive contains a fascinating growth arc, even more intriguing characters, and a world heavy in darkness but not without hope. I, for one, cannot wait to see where this story continues in the sequel and its unpredictability is an aspect I've really enjoyed of it. I will say, however, that this is a tale where emotional connection is key. Having been emotionally embroiled in this novel, I found it impossible to set down and my heart bled for each of these characters; for the loss they'd sustained from the past and for the loss they'd continue to sustain in the future. It straddles the line between young adult and new adult (though I'd have loved for this to be more strongly new adult, in some departments) and, as such, the growth is so relevant and realistically drawn. Without a doubt, Exquisite Captive is one of the more surprising reads of the year and Something Real cannot fall into my hands fast enough; if it has even a quarter of the heart and soul that Exquisite Captive contained, I know I'll fall in love.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
The Next Big YA Book Event!
If you have ever hashtagged #amwriting, #MSWL, or #IWantToBePublishedSoBadlyMyEyeballsMightPop, than pay attention.
From September 17th through October 1st, Hipso Media Publishing and Jenny from Supernatural Snark will be hosting the ‘Next Big YA Book Event.’
Why is this good news for #amwriters?
Here’s how the event works. Most publishers work exclusively with agents, which makes it difficult (more like close to impossible) for up-and-coming writers to get their work seen. Well, Hipso Media Publishing will be opening their doors to all YA writers who dream of traditional publication, but can’t seem to catch a break. Writers who have mountainous ideas, along with an actual mountain of rejection letters. Hipso wants to pick one of those writers, and treat them like the literary rock star they are, showering them in every publishing perk someone of their caliber deserves:
- Publishing contract with a generous royalty program
- Custom cover from Seedlings Design
- Candace Book Blog Book Tour
- Exclusive front-page podcast on AuthorsOnTourLive, iReadBooksRadio and iHeartRadio (which gets an average of more than 1 million hits a year)
- Novel as an eBook on all major retailers – Kindle, Nook, iBooks, Kobo, around the world
- A featured post on Supernatural Snark
- Awesome book swag, and more…
Once the winning manuscript is picked, Jenny from Supernatural Snark (Owner of Seedlings Design) will work with the author to create a custom cover that will be sure to shout, “NEXT BIG YA BOOK”. And then she’ll do a featured post on Supernatural Snark, to make sure the world hears.
No agents, hoops, or hassles. The only criteria are that your YA manuscript be finished, you must believe it’s great, and it must not already be published somewhere else.
Here’s the link to the submissions page and contact info:
Good luck and happy writing!
I honestly wish I was talented enough (or, really, just had the time and creativity!) to be one of those people who hashtag #amwriting. (Instead, I'm pretty all I ever hashtag is #tired or #collegestudentproblems or #bibliophile.) I think this event is simply fantastic so I encourage you all to participate, especially if you get your cover designed by Jenny @ Supernatural Snark who is just phenomenal. ;)
Well, that's all for today! I hope you're having a great week, not dying with back-to-back quizzes and tests, and getting a lot more reading done than I am. (Although, I do have to say, I finished Blue Lily, Lily Blue and AAAHH if you haven't pre-ordered your copy then stop reading this and go pre-order it!) :D
I honestly wish I was talented enough (or, really, just had the time and creativity!) to be one of those people who hashtag #amwriting. (Instead, I'm pretty all I ever hashtag is #tired or #collegestudentproblems or #bibliophile.) I think this event is simply fantastic so I encourage you all to participate, especially if you get your cover designed by Jenny @ Supernatural Snark who is just phenomenal. ;)
Well, that's all for today! I hope you're having a great week, not dying with back-to-back quizzes and tests, and getting a lot more reading done than I am. (Although, I do have to say, I finished Blue Lily, Lily Blue and AAAHH if you haven't pre-ordered your copy then stop reading this and go pre-order it!) :D
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Review: A Blind Spot for Boys by Justina Chen
Title: A Blind Spot for Boys
Author: Justina Chen
Rating: 3 Stars
Chen's North of Beautiful utterly charmed when I first read it a few years ago and has continued to do so upon every re-read. Yet, for reasons unknown, I have not braved the waters of Chen's fairly extensive back list. I blame the horde of mixed reviews which accompany her work--her novels seem to be a hit or miss with most readers and, what's more, they vary depending on the title. I don't know many who actively like or dislike every title she's written--myself included.
A Blind Spot for Boys is a truly intriguing mix of a variety of topics, themes, and ideals. It introduces us to Shana, an ambitious young protagonist whose passion for photography and dedication to her fashion blog define her life. Well, that and a long history of boyfriends. Just a matter of months ago Shana was dating Dom--she, being underage, and he, being six years older--and in the aftermath of his discovery of her age and their consequent breakup, boys have flitted in and out of her life. She thought she had found "The One" with Dom and no matter how hard she tries to move on, her heart won't let her.
On a mission to capture the perfect photograph, though, Shana bumps into Quattro, an attractive guy who--like her string of past boyfriends--is absolutely into her. Before the two can further their relationship past acquaintances, however, Shana's father--a bed bug exterminator--is diagnosed with blindness. In a matter of months he will lose his eyesight and the photography career he gave up to continue the family business, the traveling dreams he and his wife forsake to raise three children--all these come into the forefront of his existence.
Surprisingly enough, it takes only a matter of chapters to cover this--unusual for Chen whose North of Beautiful took nearly half the novel to truly get rolling--but the bulk of A Blind Spot for Boys takes place on the Inca Trail to Machu Pichu where Shana, once again, bumps into Quattro. I appreciated how thoroughly this novel balanced both familial and romantic relationships. While we are given glimpses into the tight circle of friends Shana maintains, the focus is solely on the disease tearing apart her family and new relationship struggles tearing apart her heart.
Frankly, I didn't feel entirely connected with the story line of A Blind Spot for Boys. I'm not sure why. Chen does a superb job of creating an intriguing plot line following Shana and her family on the Inca Trail as the people they meet and experiences they undergo manage to change their lives and shape their perspective on the world. Yet, perhaps it felt too neat and predictable. It's nearly a prerequisite to writing a tale with travel within it that new sights and sounds will drastically alter your life--as it has done for Shana and the members aboard their expedition to Machu Pichu. Thus, perhaps the ultimate revelations felt predictable more than revealing?
Yet, that being said, I completely admire the pacing of Shana's growth as she gradually gains the maturity to look beyond her idealized version of her relationship with Dom and acknowledge that she's better off without him; that, in reality, she escaped an abusive relationship. In realizing that, Shana begins to put other instances in her life into perspective as well--her friendship with her brother, Max, who knew Dom; her relationships with her close girl friends from whom she had kept Dom a secret; and even her own Boy Ban that keeps her at a distance from Quattro and those like him.
While A Blind Spot for Boys excels in Shana's personal agency, pushing her forward, and subtly touches upon the delicate balance of marriage as we look into the lives of Shana's parents, the romance is both a highlight and a downfall. Quattro's hot/cold attitude toward Shana is frustrating, though his understanding of her is swoon-worthy. His back story is compelling but the amount of time it takes to finally come to light is disappointing. It's a mixed bag, as is this novel, but perhaps in the hands of the right reader--one who is more in touch with Shana than I am--I don't doubt it can be an incredible experience.
A Blind Spot for Boys hasn't made me any more inclined to go through Chen's backlog but I certainly don't regret picking it up. I relish the lack of slut-shaming within its pages, the honesty with which Chen writes relationships of every nature and every age group, and the pace at which she chronicles the growth of her characters. Granted, it isn't perfect--and hasn't made my heart palpitate wildly--but it's a solid, strong contemporary read. No doubt about it.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Review: A Feast for Crows by George R. R. Martin
Title: A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire, #4)
Author: George R. R. Martin
Rating: 4 Stars
Note: This review is spoiler-free for A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords which is why readers will notice that I am intentionally vague while mentioning certain plot points. There is a minor spoiler for A Game of Thrones where I mention an event which occurs early on in the novel (and in the first episode of the show, actually). You can read my reviews of the previous three books in this series here, here, and here respectively.
Very early in the text Martin introduces us to the perspective of Arianne Martell, princess of Dorne and niece to Oberyn. I found much to love about Arianne but, perhaps, what struck me the most is the subtle juxtaposition of her character to that of Cersei Lannister's. Not only are both Arianne and Cersei women in positions of immense power, but they both detest their fathers and simultaneously yearn to emulate and become better than them. Moreover, both women are aware of their attractiveness and use their sexuality as a weapon. Yet, somehow, Arianne comes across in a far more sympathetic light than Cersei. By using these two women as foils for one another Martin hints at the fascinating concept that the qualities Cersei prides herself in possessing uniquely--her relationship with Tywin Lannister, her incredible beauty, her power, her intellect--are not, after all, the traits that make her her. Instead, by this stage in the story line, Cersei has evolved into a woman beyond a simplistic mold and, looking upon Arianne, it is clear that Cersei's change is certainly not for the better.
Speaking of Cersei, I found myself both in awe and in fright of her throughout the course of the novel. Cersei, time and time again, throws herself into the political game in Westeros and fails. Not only does her fear propel her to put into power individuals who are of little help to the realm, but it also ensures she is the sole ruler in King's Landing. One plagued by nightmares, whose pride errs her judgement. Yet, what I find most compelling, in many ways, about Cersei is that she looks upon her failures with contempt at others. Instead of finding fault with herself, she believes that if she were a man, her decisions would reveal the outcome she hoped for. While Cersei has used her feminine wiles as a weapon, she nevertheless feels burdened by them as well. Why I find this entire concept to be achingly familiar is because, quite simply put, in a rage of feminist fury I often blame my failures on my sex as well. It is all too easy for women to claim that their gender is a hindrance to their success because, in most cases, it is. But not in Cersei's situation and this, above all, stuck with me.
Jaime, in contrast with his older sister, pulls himself away from the politics of his nation. Plagued with guilt concerning his actions towards Tyrion, mad with disbelief at the barbs Tyrion threw at him, A Feast for Crows sees Jaime and Cersei finally turn against one another. Now, perhaps more than ever, both these siblings need one another's support but it is oddly absent. Not only has Cersei changed, as hungry for power as she is fearful of her son's life, but Jaime is forced to reconcile himself to the life of a cripple. How fitting, isn't it, that Jaime who pushed Bran to his crippled state now finds himself in a similar position? Yet, I love Jaime. I love this Lannister whose past is defined by physical prowess and future will, sadly, not be determined by it. From his struggles to re-define who he is without his sword-fighting hand to his all-too-true suspicions concerning Cersei, Jaime's tale is both enlightening and heart-breaking. We know it's necessary for him to wander down this path but that doesn't make it any easier to watch--not for me, at any rate.
And Brienne. Brienne stunned me in A Feast for Crows. I loved that her arc showcased the truth of Jaime's words in A Storm of Swords--a knight is torn by his vows. More than just that, though, Brienne is, for the first time since we've met her, surrounded by men who despise her occupation and want nothing more than for her to fade into the background as just another household wife with a brood of children. While we're familiar with this mentality concerning Brienne, we are also familiar with the occasional glimpse of a respectful face whether it be Catelyn Stark or Jaime Lannister. In A Feast for Crows, however, Brienne is truly alone to face not only her fears--taking a man's life--but also the past she has escaped from. I thoroughly enjoyed learning of Brienne's childhood, her path to pursuing her dreams, and her kick-butt sword-fighting skills. It is difficult to determine, yet, just how important of a character she is to the series as a whole since she removes herself from political games but, regardless, I love her character. (And, if you can't already tell, I ship Jaime and Brienne so hard.)
A Feast for Crows is yet another masterful work of fiction from Martin. I've yet to complain about this series and, truly, if you are a fan of high fantasy or political drama, the Song of Fire and Ice Series is the finest you will find.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
ARC Romance Mini-Reviews: In Your Dreams by Kristan Higgins, As Long As You Love Me by Ann Aguirre, and Made for You by Lauren Layne
Title: In Your Dreams (Blue Heron, #4)
Author: Kristan Higgins
Rating: 3 Stars
Release Date: September 30th, 2014
Emmaline Neal needs a date. Just a date—someone to help her get through her ex-fiancé's wedding without losing her mind. But pickings are slim in Manningsport, New York, population 715. In fact, there's really only one option: local heartthrob Jack Holland. Everyone loves Jack, and he won't get the wrong idea…. After all, Jack Holland would never actually be interested in a woman like Em. Especially not with his beautiful ex-wife creeping around, angling to reunite ever since he rescued a group of teens and became a local hero. But when the wedding festivities take an unexpectedly passionate turn, Em figures it was just one crazy night. Jack is too gorgeous, too popular, to ever end up with her. So why is she the one he can talk to about his deep, dark feelings? If Em is going to get her dream man, she'll have to start by believing in him…I have mixed feelings concerning this latest from Higgins. On one hand, I definitely feel as if the quality of the novels in this series are declining--largely in part due to the excellence of the first novel, The Best Man, which just can't be beaten. On the other hand, though, I did really enjoy the latter half of this story. I feel as if the characters--Jack and Emmaline--don't share a classic love story trajectory which is refreshing. Emmaline, in particular, has always been thought to be a lesbian due to her muscular body type which doesn't conform with the typical norms of beauty. Thus, to watch her struggle with that perception and to witness Jack fall in love with her and find her sexy and beautiful just the way she was was incredibly sweet. Moreover, Jack's ex-wife--though causing a fair bit of unnecessary drama--nicely clinches the "right" feeling of Emmaline and Jack together in a tasteful manner.
Yet, In Your Dreams is terribly bland and apathetic during the first half. I felt little for either of these characters during the fake wedding date plot thread outlined in the synopsis of the book. Moreover, it fails to truly expand upon the intriguing aspects of the story such as Jack's PTSD which he suffers as a result of being the rescuer, not the victim, which was a unique twist. In Your Dreams does, ultimately, put a smile on your face and the butterflies-in-your-stomach swoons are downright lovely by the end but it isn't a favorite or a must-read of Higgins, I will acknowledge that. (Also, what's up with the snowy/Christmas-y cover? I don't remember all that much winter spirit in this novel...O.o.)
Other Kristan Higgins novels I've reviewed: Catch of the Day, Too Good to Be True, Somebody to Love, The Best Man, The Perfect Match, and Waiting on You
Title: As Long As You Love Me (2B Trilogy, #2)
Author: Ann Aguirre
Rating: 3 Stars
Release Date: September 30th, 2014
Most people dream about getting out of Sharon, Nebraska, but after three years away, Lauren Barrett is coming home. She has her reasons; missing her family, losing her college scholarship. But then there's the reason Lauren can't admit to anyone: Rob Conrad, her best friend's older brother. Football prowess and jaw-dropping good looks made Rob a star in high school. Out in the real world, his job and his relationships are going nowhere. He's the guy who women love and leave, not the one who makes them think of forever; until Lauren comes back to town, bringing old feelings and new dreams with her. Because the only thing more important than figuring out where you truly belong is finding the person you were meant to be with.
I enjoyed this novel considerably less than its predecessor, likely because it read merely as a love story opposed to a tale belonging to the New Adult genre. Moreover, I found the conflict--while certainly important--to emerge too late in the story line. We spend more than 75% of the novel believing our characters are working through certain issues only to uncover an entire back story much later. Yet, that being said, As Long As You Love Me is certainly a worthwhile read. Much like its predecessor, it still fails to break new ground in the New Adult genre but its strong female friendships, gentle romance, and tight-knit family bonds make it a tale to enjoy, if not quite remember.
Other Ann Aguirre novels I've reviewed: Enclave, Bronze Gods, Silver Mirrors, Sirantha Jax Series, I Want it That Way
Other Ann Aguirre novels I've reviewed: Enclave, Bronze Gods, Silver Mirrors, Sirantha Jax Series, I Want it That Way
Title: Made For You (The Best Mistake, #2)
Author: Lauren Layne
Rating: 3 Stars
Release Date: October 28th, 2014
Some mistakes are worth making...
Eh. I love these types of antagonistic love stories but I found the protagonist, Brynn, to be far too selfish and stubborn to truly enjoy this. We met both Will and Brynn in the previous novel in this series but only briefly--enough to know that Will loved Brynn and Brynn simply saw him as a one-night stand. Now, three years later, Will is back in Brynn's life after unexpectedly moving to Boston and, this time, he has plans to win Brynn over once and for all. Brynn, however, refuses to change her opinion of Will despite the efforts he takes to present his true self to her, not the antagonistic rudeness they've grown comfortable with. Unfortunately, I felt as if Brynn takes advantage of Will a bit too much and wasn't a fan of her character the same way I was of her younger sister, Sophie. Not a bad read, just not Layne's best. :/
Other Lauren Layne novels I've reviewed: Isn't She Lovely, After the Kiss, Love the One You're With, Just One Night, Only With You, Broken
Other Lauren Layne novels I've reviewed: Isn't She Lovely, After the Kiss, Love the One You're With, Just One Night, Only With You, Broken
3 Stars,
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Review: Heaven's Queen by Rachel Bach
Title: Heaven's Queen (Paradox, #3)
Author: Rachel Bach
Rating: 4 Stars
*This review is spoiler free for the Paradox Trilogy*
Honor's Queen is, oddly enough, a much more introspective piece than its predecessor. While it has no shortage of action, wit, or humor, it also forces us to face--head-on--the atrocities in this world and the gray nature of its secondary characters. Fortune's Pawn certainly hinted at an unquiet nature present in space while Honor's Knight exposed the dark underbelly of the intergalactic world, but those facts and figures were left to float about in our minds...until now. In this final installment, Devi has to do something, trust someone, and deal. In a world where the secondary characters are not black or white, but gray, grayer, and grayest, this task becomes incredibly difficult.
Thus, I wound up loving the direction the romance took in this installment with Devi cautiously learning to trust Rupert once again after their formerly rocky emotional relationship. What's more, I loved the evolution of her relationship with the secondary characters we came to love back in Fortune's Pawn. In Heaven's Queen Devi takes chances and often winds right back at square one, but she is making those decisions--which, really, makes a world of a difference. It's a fascinating story simply because we, as the reader, still don't know who to trust or to what degree to trust them and, as such, neither does Devi. Moreover, the difficult moral decisions that have been made in this world are not easily brushed aside and handled. For me, so much of the sheer energy and kudos from this debut trilogy comes from creating such a difficult, complex scenario to begin with and continuing to probe it, poke at it, and find a solution, no matter how simplistic.
Having read every book in this series back-to-back, I didn't stop in-between the formulate theories or evaluate what I wanted--nay, needed--from a conclusion. Perhaps that made the difference. I went into Heaven's Queen wanting Devi to grow, to find her happily-ever-after, and to become a better person. I got that. It may not have been nearly as tension-filled as I'd have wanted (or bittersweet as I'd have liked) and there were certainly moments where this finale lost me, whether it be in Devi's reactions to meeting old friends or simply in the bow-tie conclusion, but seeing as this trilogy was spectacular from start to finish, I don't have a bone to pick with Heaven's Queen after all. Needless to say, I need Rachel Bach to polish off another sci-fi trilogy--fast!--preferably with a cameo appearance by Devi. I'm going to miss this kick-butt, no-nonsense, act-first-think-later, brave girl. I really am.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
ARC Review: The Perilous Sea by Sherry Thomas
Title: The Perilous Sea (The Elemental Trilogy, #2)
Author: Sherry Thomas
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Release Date: September 16th, 2014
I am still reeling from the aftermath of The Perilous Sea. With The Burning Sky, Sherry Thomas introduced us to a world of magic and destiny, one in which our protagonists--Titus and Iolanthe--had to battle the Bane, the deadly ruler of Atlantis. The Perilous Sea picks up shortly after The Burning Sky left off, only this time it is the end of the summer holidays and Titus, whisked away to princely duties in Atlantis, has not seen Iolanthe in months. Now, finally reunited, to two are determined to work harder, fight longer, and discover the secret to bringing down the Bane. Only, it seems fate--or rather the diary of Titus's late mother, a seer--has very different ideas...
From the beginning itself, The Perilous Sea sets itself apart from The Burning Sky due to its format. Thomas writes two different timelines simultaneously, meaning that every alternate chapter jumps between the present and the past catching up to the present moment. With cliffhanger endings concluding every chapter, it is practically impossible to set this book down once you've picked it up, not only because of the urge to discover the situation in the timeline you left behind, but also to figure out how our protagonists went from Point A to Point B.
Moreover, from the onset of this novel itself, it is clear that Thomas is choosing to focus on the age-old question of fantasy: can one truly make his or her own destiny? Very early on in The Perilous Sea a sequence of events plays out in such a way that Titus begins to doubt the veracity of his mother's prophecies. Or, at any rate, her interpretation of them. Thus, the lives and focus of both Titus and Iolanthe are upturned by these circumstances and the emotional turmoil they experience is simply heart-breaking. I love that despite the fact that we know both these protagonists so well from The Burning Sky, Thomas continues to challenge them, forcing them to become even better, stronger, and more confident versions of themselves. Additionally, these change of events cause The Perilous Sea to be far more romantic than we may have anticipated. In one timeline, circumstances allow for Iolanthe and Titus to fall in love all over again, albeit in a different way. In another timeline, Iolanthe and Titus must battle through their differences to find a way back to one another, despite the hurdles they themselves have erected in their paths. In both instances, it is abundantly clear once and for all that yes, these two truly do love each other and, above all, they are stronger together than apart.
The Perilous Sea continues to excel as a sequel, however, primarily because of the depth we gain about the secondary characters. I truly enjoyed the characterization of the secondary characters we met in The Burning Sky, particularly Titus's friends in Eton, but in The Perilous Sea we finally peel back the facades these boys put forth and discover the true individual beneath. The plot of The Perilous Sea is such that the secondary characters are just as important, this time around, as our two protagonists, so the depth they're given in this installment is a pleasant--and very welcome!--surprise. What's more, the Bane is finally unveiled for the true horror we are told he is. While we learn a little of this villain in the previous installment, The Perilous Sea travels deep into his past and--believe me--the atrocities he is capable of are cringe-worthy.
In fact, The Perilous Sea packs plot twist after plot twist, reveal after reveal, at such a breakneck pace that it is difficult to imagine what Thomas can possibly unveil further in the final installment. We receive answers about Iolanthe's past--everything from her origins to her memory keeper--speculate about Titus's parentage, and learn the minute secrets as to the true reality of Titus's mother's visions. It's such a spectacular sequel simply because we believe one thing to be true, only to find that it isn't what we thought it was. While this ensured that readers were constantly in a state of surprise, at times the narrative style of this novel became a detriment to the story as a whole. For me, at any rate, I didn't find both timelines to be completely necessary and, what's more, the fact that one timeline moved at a significantly slower pace than the other one, could be a bit jarring at times. Most importantly, though, I found the never-ending reveals to be pleasant--at first--but found myself needing slightly more detail or clarification than was provided. And, sadly, the political turmoil that marked The Burning Sky is mostly devoid in this novel as the focus is on overthrowing the Bane. I am hoping--and eagerly looking forward to--seeing more of Atlantis's political scheme in the sequel, along with the final battle that is looming ahead. The Perilous Sea is one of the strongest sequels I've come across this year and if Thomas continues to improve and build upon this series as she has, I do not doubt that the finale will be unforgettable.
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