Kristin and Marie Rutkoski were meant to give a joint event with Q&A at the Harvard Bookstore, roughly an hour away from where I attend school in Massachusetts, but Marie, unfortunately, couldn't make it. Luckily for me, though, this still meant I could meet Kristin Cashore and that the entire event was dedicated to asking her questions and simply basking in the glory that is the Seven Kingdoms trilogy. Kristin mostly answered a LOT of questions, the most interesting of which I have transcribed below, but she also commented a little bit on The Winner's Crime, Marie's latest novel which I have reviewed HERE. If you are interested in obtaining the full, 47-minute Q&A dialogue with Kristin just e-mail me and I'd be happy to send it over. I have it saved for posterity on my iPhone and will likely cherish it forever because Kristin Cashore!
Kristin on The Winner's Crime: I guess what I love about Marie's books and these ones in particular is that it's just got a certain emotional intelligence. They're very plot driven, they're definitely page turners, but the characters are believable, emotional characters and it's their feelings, their hearts that are driving the plot.

Q: So you're working on something now? I've been waiting for a very long time.
Kristin: I have two things in revisions right now. One is contemporary realistic YA and one is really weird. It's sort of a genre crossing bizarre thing that I can't really talk about because it could change but that weird one is probably going to be my next book that comes out. I'm also drafting a new fantasy that I am forbidden to say anything about.
Q: Graceling, Fire, and Bitterblue are all interconnected. Did you plan that from the beginning?
Kristin: So I was writing Graceling and there's a scene where Katsa and Po are talking about where Leck came from and he says he came to the Monsean court and would tell these stories about a land where monsters rise out of the rocks and armies ride out of the tunnels and I just made that up; I needed the stories to be about something. But I kept thinking about that and wondered what does that mean? What if that was the one thing that Leck said that was actually true? What is that place? And Fire grew from that. And because Fire takes place in another land I was able to do a much better job with world-building. [...] I was in the Jacksonville Public Library on the balcony having a conversation with my mother and I was like, "OH, thank god I'm almost done writing fantasy, I'm so tired of writing fantasy!" and she said, "You know who I really wonder about?" and I said "Who?" and she said "Bitterblue." And I knew that was going to be the next book; that's what all of this has been leading toward because let's actually deal with what this man did and Bitterblue is the one who had to get to the end of her story. How do you deal with what she dealt with?
Q: Are there any characters that seem smaller but in your head have a much bigger story but you don't get to tell it within the book?

But characters can really surprise you, they can grow on you. In Fire it was Nash. I really didn't know I was going to end up caring for him. In fact, Nash was supposed to die in the scene where he gets attacked. I didn't keep him alive for my own purposes, I kept him alive because I realized I couldn't do this to Fire or she would never recover. It wasn't the story I wanted to tell. But I was, nonetheless, personally happy to keep him alive.
Q: One of the things that I loved in Bitterblue was the cipher and the coding. I found it really interesting and I always wondered where it came from.

You do remind me, though, of one of the sweeter moments. My mother sent me an e-mail after reading Bitterblue and it was a cipher and she didn’t give me the key to it. Of course, it was my name, just as the cipher in Bitterblue was Bitterblue’s name. It was a very sweet moment.
Q: I think all your books are focused on a theme, like womanhood. Do you start out with a theme because they all seem really focused?
Kristin: I start out with something that is beyond the plot and characters; just some sort of emotional story that I’m trying to tell, for every book. It can be a complicated one but I’m always going back to that.
Q: I think one of the great things about your books—and Marie’s—is that they have such strong female characters. Is there one that you identify with more that was easier to write?
Kristin: Easiest to write was Katsa because she’s so emotionally unaware. I guess if I had to say, there are certain ways I relate to all of them. Bitterblue is just a regular girl, she doesn’t have any special powers, so I related to her. But she’s like my daughter; they all start to feel more like my kids.
Q: What about Kestrel or Arin?
Kristin: I’m not as clever or manipulative as Kestrel. I’m too honest and she’s an actor. I would love to be like her; she really plays the long game. I think I’m more like Arin. Marie is more like Kestrel, though. You kind of have to be able to think that way to write a character like that.
I don't think I can put into words what an incredible experience this was. Kristin Cashore's novels--her words--are ones I've gone back to time-and-time again; they've been with me through thick-and-thin and though they are mere pieces of paper, bound together, they are so near and dear to my heart. I've dreamed about meeting Kristin myself for years and she was just as poised, charming, and intelligent as I imagined--if not more. I wait with bated breath, both for what she will write next and for the next author to grace my radar because after this, there is no doubt in my mind that I will be queuing up to attend more book events. :)
I don't think I can put into words what an incredible experience this was. Kristin Cashore's novels--her words--are ones I've gone back to time-and-time again; they've been with me through thick-and-thin and though they are mere pieces of paper, bound together, they are so near and dear to my heart. I've dreamed about meeting Kristin myself for years and she was just as poised, charming, and intelligent as I imagined--if not more. I wait with bated breath, both for what she will write next and for the next author to grace my radar because after this, there is no doubt in my mind that I will be queuing up to attend more book events. :)
That is amazing that you got to meet her! I've only read Graceling but I remember really loving it - five-star worthy! Now I'm really curious about that weird bizarro book she's currently working on...
ReplyDeleteAhh Keertana, that sounds like such an amazing experience! And cute picture! Though too bad Marie Rutkoski couldn't be there as well.
ReplyDeleteI'd LOVE to meet Kristin Cashore someday, but in the meantime I loved reading the Q&A here. It will be interesting to read something from her that isn't fantasy, but I'm glad to hear we might get something from her soonish.
Thanks for posting this recap! :)
I am so excited for you!
ReplyDeleteWhat fun! Too bad that Marie couldn't make it but look at you and Kirstin! SO CUTE! I want to read all of these books and they are all on my wishlist. I have the first I just need to get to it. Thanks for the interview and sharing your experience.
ReplyDeleteOh wow. This is so fantastic! What I wouldn't give to meet my all time favourite author as well. Too bad Melina lives across the globe. Boo. Glad you checked this off your bookish bucket list. ;)
ReplyDeleteHow awesome, Keertana! I feel so starstruck meeting my favorite authors. I think a lot of authors come through the Harvard Bookstore and an hour drive is not too bad if you truly love the author. Graceling was brilliant but I LOVED Fire. :)
ReplyDeleteAHH! That's awesome Keertana - what an amazing experience to be able to not only meet an author, but your favorite author at that. It sounds like you had a fabulous experience, and thank you for sharing the photos and the questions / answers with us! So glad you're back, and fabulous post! ♥
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing - I haven't read any of her books, but it was great to read some of this Q and A to learn more. that's so awesome you got to finally meet her. I love meeting authors, but it's always great when it's someone you TRULY love.
ReplyDeleteOh man I am both jealous and so happy for you! I would love to meet Kristin Cashore but alas I don't live anywhere near where she has her signings. But I know how much you love her so I'm so happy you got this moment. She sounds so cool based on the answers (and the fact that her books are pretty fantastic as well.
ReplyDeleteI am SO jealous, it's unreal. But I'm also insanely happy for you. I don't know what I'd do if I ever got a chance to meet Maggie Stiefvater. I'd probably die then and there, so it's best that I don't.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, contemporary isn't really my thing, but this weird thing she has in the works sounds like a total delight. I'm super excited about it.
Aww you look super cute in your photo Keertana! I'm thrilled that you were finally able to meet Kristin, she sounds like a super sweet person. I loved reading Kristin's answers to this post, it so made me want to lose myself in her gorgeous series once again. I can't wait to read something new from her soon!
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwwww I am so happy for you! I know how monumental it is to meet your fave author. I'm glad that you didn't get nervous, when I met Tahereh Mafi, I just froze hahaha
ReplyDeleteI don't know whether I'm happy for you or jealous! let's say both!
What an interesting write up! Makes me want to do a massive re-read!
ReplyDeleteSo unreal meeting YA royalty!
Love all the write-up and it would have been amazing to be there.
Hope all is well for you and you've been finding awesome reads x Nomes