Sunday, September 23, 2012

Showcase Sunday (#14)

Showcase Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Vicki at Books, Biscuits and Tea. Its aim is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week.

For Review:
Sanctum, believe it or not, if my very first print ARC. Needless to say, I was squealing with excitement upon seeing it on my front door as any other print ARCs I had read were either for blog tours, borrowed, or won from giveaways and this was solely mine. A HUGE thank you to Amazon Children's Publishing for sending me this one! :D
I received After Dark this week for a blog tour and I am so excited to read it! It's not only about vampires or werewolves, but about faeries, dragons, pixies, and just about every other paranormal creature you can think of which sounds incredible. I can't wait to start this one soon, so thank you to J.Taylor Publishing for sending me an ebook of this one! :)


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I've been raving and ranting and impatiently waiting for The Raven Boys ever since I finished Stiefvater's The Scorpio Races last month and while Maggie's new novel was nowhere close to the perfection that The Scorpio Races, it was a compelling mystery of its own. I hope to have my review for this one up later this week! 
AAHHH! I can't wait to start this one! I love Libba Bray and have seen nothing but gushing reviews for this one, so I'm 100% sure I'll love it. Plus, it's set in the Roaring 20s! What could go wrong with the setting of The Great Gatsby? ;)
FINALLY! Seriously, it feels as if I've been waiting for this book for decades! I loved The Girl of Fire and Thorns and I am sure that Crown of Embers will be just as - if not more - rewarding.

Wendy, over at The Midnight Garden, held a Dystopian/Post-Apocalyptic Giveaway on her blog a few weeks back and...well, I won! I took a picture of all the lovely new books and bookmarks that I won, as well as the postcard Wendy sent me and the extended preview of Laini Taylor's Days of Blood and Starlight that she provided, so thank you so much Wendy! If you haven't already checked out The Midnight Garden, then you should head over there at once! Wendy and K's reviews are some of the best out there and they host tons of giveaways, so really, you're missing out! :)

Well, that's my haul for this week! I feel as if my room is overflowing with books and time is ticking away faster and faster, so I hope I get the chance to read all these incredible new novels. I am so excited about all of them, which is rare since I usually prefer some books to others, but this time, I genuinely can't decide what to start! I'd love to see what the rest of you picked up this week, so link me up! :)


  1. So jealous of The Raven Boys! We have a dumpbin with hardcovers of it and they are absolutely beautiful and shiny! I would get one now but friend in the US got me a copy signed from Maggie so I’m patiently waiting for it whenever it does. Might wait for the second book first though.

    Can’t wait to hear what you think of Crown of Embers though I’m sure it’ll be positive since it seems you loves Fire and Thorns so much. I hope I enjoy it just as much as everyone else.

    Hope you enjoy the rest of the books :D

    1. A SIGNED COPY? SO. EFFING. LUCKY! I can't wait to see what you think of it, Braiden, so I hope you enjoy it! :)

  2. Wow, this is such an incredible haul, Keertana! You won books and received your first printed ARC! :) I remember squealing in excitement when I got my first one too, haha. ;) I love that Midnight Garden bookmark by the way, it's so cute. :) And you purchased The Diviners as well! Can't wait to read that one, gosh. I hope you enjoy your goodies!

    1. Thanks Leanne! Yup, I squealed soo loudly - no regrets! ;) I love The Midnight Garden bookmark as well and I can't wait to start The Diviners! So. Excited! :D

  3. What a great haul! Congrats on your first printed ARC! It's always exciting to get a book ahead of release. :) The Diviners is up for me soon too and I'm really looking forward to it. After Dark and Sanctum have received some great reviews so I hope you enjoy them! Lovely haul this week, darling. :)

    1. Thanks Sam! Yes, ARCs are awesome! I'm hoping to get around to The Diviners very soon and am extremely excited to read After Dark and Sanctum as well! It's going to be a great week for sure!(:

  4. Ooh you got The Crown of Embers - want it!

    My STS

  5. I tried to get through Beta but I wasn't that interested. I hope you enjoy everything you got this week.

    My IMM

  6. The books you bought are FAB!!! So excited to read The Diviners too and Crown of Embers. Congratulations on winning from The Midnight Garden, I <3 their blog. Enjoy your books, K! x

    1. Thanks Elena! I'm so excited to read The Diviners and Crown of Embers as well, so I can't wait to see what you think of them! :D

  7. Oh Keertana, I loved Sanctum (as you know), congrats on getting it as your first print ARC. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. The Diviners was fun, creepy, and original, IMO. I loved the 20s setting. It seems like Libba did a great job portraying that era. Hope you love it too. Oooh, how exciting to win Wendy's contest! Congratulations on your awesome haul this week, Keertanan. :)

    1. I am so excited to read Sanctum, mainly because of your favorable review! I hope I enjoy it as well, Rachel! Libba Bray is one of my favorite authors, so I'm really hoping I enjoy The Diviners. I feel like re-reading The Gemma Doyle Trilogy almost since I feel like I forgot it, even though I don't need it for this book. Still, I can never get tired of her writing! :)

  8. Keertana, this is seriously one AWESOME haul! First off, CONGRATS on getting your first print ARC! Your blog has grown so much since I first landed on it a few months ago. I'm still super proud to say that I'm your first follower! <3

    Anyways, I've been eyeing The Raven Boys and The Diviners for a while now. I'll keep an eye out for your review of The Raven Boys to help me decide if I should splurge and buy it! And I've heard The Diviners is quite the workout for your arm. ;)

    Congrats on winning such an awesome giveaway!! The Forsaken looks really awesome, I'll also be keeping an eye out for your review of that. Beta also looks really great, although I've seen some iffy reviews of that one.

    Fabulous haul this week Keertana! <3 Congrats, once again, on getting your first ARC, and I hope you enjoy all those fantabulous books!

    1. Aww, thank you SO MUCH Aneeqah! I am still so grateful that you were my very first coommenter, so I can never forget that! :)

      I'm hoping to start The Diviners soon, once I finish a few ARCs, and The Raven Boys was wonderful! I hope you get a chance to read it soon as I truly enjoyed it. Unfortunately, it looks doubtful that my review will be up this week! :/ We'll see...

      Once again, thank you SO much, dear!<3

  9. I REALLY loved Monument 14. If you haven't read it yet then you NEED to pick it up!! The Forsaken was great too! and omg I LOVED The Raven Boys and can't wait to read The Crown of Embers!!

    GREAT book haul and congrats on the winning these awesome books!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  10. It's awesome that you got Sanctum as your first print ARC, and what a lovely package that you received from Wendy - congratulations!! Can't wait to see what you have to share on The Raven Boys and Diviners. Have a gorgeous week :)

  11. Awesome haul :) !! I can't wait to read After Dark and I look forward to know what you think of it ! Congrats on winning this awesome prize pack ;)

  12. Oooh, very nice score on the dystopian package, grats! Rae Carson's books are totally on my list of books I absolutely must read but will probably just wait for the last one at this point. I've heard nothing but the most lovely things though. Excited to read your thoughts on Raven Boys and The Diviners! I still haven't decided if I'm going to read them right away or not...

    1. You definitely should read Rae Carson's books, Heidi! I love her writing style and I think you'll love The Raven Boys and The Diviners, so hopefully I can finish those soon and let you know how they are! :)

  13. That is an amazing prize pack I can not wait to read Days of Blood & Starlight. I am also part of the After Dark blog tour and got Raven Boys this week! Haha =D

    Happy Reading!

  14. OK. Your haul is EPIC. So curious about Sactum--it looks AMAZING. And Raven Boys and The Diviners? I DIE.

    WAIT. DAYS OF BLOOD AND STARLIGHT? *SOBS HYSTERICALLY* I don't care if it's only a preview, I want this book go badly it HURTS O___O

    1. Thanks Sarah! I want Days of Blood and Starlight too, so I'm refraining from devouring the preview because there's still a long wait. *sigh* Still, I have so many ARCs to keep me occupied, so that's definitely exciting! :)

  15. Yay, what an awesome haul! Congrats on a receiving a print ARC and on winning that awesome prize pack!!!

  16. Congratulations on winning those awesome books Keertana, they look and sound amazing!!! I also can't wait to hear your thoughts on The Diviners! I hope you enjoy all your reads! :)

  17. You got some really awesome books this week!! Sanctum sounds really good. Yay for winning an awesome giveaway too!!

  18. So many brilliant books! I'm dying to get my hands on The Raven Boys, and The Diviners looks good too. Congrats on your win, The Forsaken has been on my wishlist for ages! :) Thanks for stopping my by SS :)

  19. I'll wait for your thoughts on Sanctum since I'm undecided. Congrats on your first print ARC though!! I never know about all those things so I just don't do it. haha.

    Well, The Diviners looks great and I've heard lots about The Raven Boys, so I hope you enjoy that one too!

    And ooooh, look at all those goodies. The Forsaken looks great whilst I'm a little unsure about the other one Beta. You are so darn lucky. I need to pay more attention to The Midnight Garden and actually find out where my email subscription went... I think it hit the spam box... since I haven't read a review in ages or really followed their blog properly. Bad me, but thanks for the encouragment!

    1. I'm really enjoying Sanctum so far, so it seems like I'll be recommending this one for sure.

      I loved The Raven Boys and The Diviners seems SO good, so I am very excited about that one! :)

      Yup, LOTS of goodies. I love The Midnight Garden, so definitely check them out for sure!(:

  20. Yay, I'm glad the books got there safely, Keertana! I very much look forward to hearing what you think of everything. :) Happy reading!

  21. Eeeee, CONGRATS on your first print ARC!! You're amazing and you deserve it and SANCTUM. That sounds so, SO good. I am really excited to see what you think!! And wait... I did NOT know After Dark had faeries, dragons, pixies, -add list of other awesome creatures- SO going to check this out!

    Also: OMG OMG OMG OMG THE RAVEN BOYS. THE DIVINERS. BETA. DOBAS SAMPLER!!!!!! Sorry to hear The Raven Boys didn't live up to your love of TSR, though.


    1. Thanks Brodie! :D I am SO excited about Sanctum, especially since I've heard so many good things about it! Yup, After Dark covers such a huge range of paranormal creatures, so I hope they make a large appearance in the book.

      Plus...THE RAVEN BOYS! I still really liked it, despite the fact that The Scorpio Races was better. Brodie, thanks for stopping by dear! :)

  22. Thanks Shreya! I am so excited about those books too, so I hope I enjoy them! Once again, thank you for all the excitement and congratulations! :D

  23. Thanks Heidi! Aaahhh, so excited you're going to meet Laini Taylor! Plus, I can't wait to see what you think of Sanctum! :)

  24. I'm late seeing this, so first, thank you! and second, I hope you enjoy After Dark! :)


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